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COVID 19 Updates

In the event that a staff member is exhibiting COVID-19 related symptoms such as fever, cough, headache and fatigue, they should:

  • Call the control room, describe their symptoms, give their credentials and location
  • Equipped Ambulance is dispatched for further assessment of symptoms
  • If the symptoms are COVID-19 related then the staff is ferried to the nearest Government designated COVID-19 treatment centers for further treatment

Secureman Security has developed a self-search policy at all access points for vehicles as well as pedestrians in efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 virus. The Self Search Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is as follows:

  • Welcome the client while observing safe distance
    Briefs them on the self-search procedure
  • Seeks compliance to proceed, (if client does not comply escalate the matter)
  • Request the client to alight,

If the assignment has implemented health screening procedures proceed to:

  1. Conduct thermal check. If the temperature is above 37.5 degrees the individual should not be granted access.
  2. Proceed to ask the individual health questions; have they experienced cough, fever or shortness of breath in the recent past? If the answer yes decline entry and escalate to your superior. If they answer no proceed to inspect the vehicle.
  • Request for client to roll down windows, open doors, boot and dashboard for inspection
  • So searches for contraband items deemed as a security threat
  • Client requested to sanitize before entry into the premises
  • Recording of details
  • Express gratitude for compliance
  • Ensure all clients maintain the required safe distance of 1.5 meters while on the queue
  • Welcomes the client while observing safe distance
  • Brief the client on the self-search procedure
  • Seek compliance to proceed (if client does not comply the same shall be escalated)

If the assignment has implemented health screening procedures proceed to:

  1. Conduct thermal check. If the temperature is above 37.5 degrees the individual should not be granted access.
  2. Proceed to ask the individual health questions; have they experienced any of the COVID symptoms cough, fever or shortness of breath in the recent past? If the answer yes decline entry and escalate to your superior. If they answer no proceed to inspect their belongings.
  • Request the individual to display the contents of their bag for inspection without coming into contact with the bag.
  • Check the contents of the bag, if the assignment has a luggage scanner view the contents on the screen
  • Search for contraband items deemed as a security threat
  • Direct the client to the walk through metal detector
  • Request the client to sanitize
  • If the assignment requires visitor details to be recorded proceed to log in the details
  • Express your gratitude for their compliance
  • Sanitize the search surface and equipment after every search

Secureman Officers will be issued with cloth masks to mitigate against the spread of the COVID – 19 virus. Some assignments may issue security personal with additional personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, disposable masks. Below is guideline on how to correctly use personal protective equipment.

  • Wash hands with soap and water or use sanitizer
  • Confirm the size by placing the clean mask on your face
  • Loop the elastic bands behind your ears
  • Wash hands with soap and water or use sanitizer
  • Unhook the elastic band one side of the ear
  • Pull out the other side
        • Wash hands with soap and water
        • Pour soap in a bucket
        • Add water to create a soapy solution
        • Unhook the mask without touching the inner surface
        • Drop the mask in soap and water solution
      • Should be picked directly from the box
      • Should not be removed and redistributed from person to person due to contamination
  • Avoid touching face while wearing gloves
  • Begin with removing the gloves one hand at a time
  • Immediately discard them in a peddle bin
  • Unloop the elastic bands on the masks and remove the mask
  • Sanitize/ wash hands with soap and water or use sanitizer
  • Remove the uniform and wash or set it aside as it may be contaminated


Last updated: October 22, 2024 - 4:06 am (+00:00)

Updated on: October 22, 2024 - 11:59 pm (+00:00)

In the event that a staff member is exhibiting COVID-19 related symptoms such as fever, cough, headache and fatigue, they should:

  • Call the control room, describe their symptoms, give their credentials and location
  • Control room contacts Rescue.co
  • Rescue.co contacts the patient and carry`s out initial assessment over the phone
  • Equipped Ambulance is dispatched for further assessment of symptoms
  • If the symptoms are COVID-19 related then the staff is ferried to the nearest Government designated COVID-19 treatment centers for further treatment

